Connected Future
Unlocking Potential of a Digitally Connected World itag’s AtlanTec Festival is back this year as an in-person event. The AtlanTec Festival 2023 takes place from 8 – 18 May. Over ten days we look forward to hosting key events across the region and online sessions will also be available. This year’s topic is Connected Future […]
The Culture Club – Driving your business in a pandemic
Creating a culture at work and building connection has presented new challenges for employers during the pandemic. Participants at the itag AtlanTec Festival heard how the shift to remote working has provided an opportunity for businesses to adopt new and innovative ways to reach out to staff. Companies who have recognised the demands posed by working from […]
High Tech and High Touch – the importance of networking
The Importance of Networking in A Changed World – Kingsley Aikins One introduction, one conversation can change your life. For former Leinster rugby player and networking specialist, Kingsley Aikins, implementing a strategic, intentional and thoughtful network plan can be the difference between success and failure. As CEO of The Networking Institute, Aikins advises governments, corporations […]
The power of vulnerability psychological safety for high performing teams – Laura Delizonna, PHD
Effective leaders should talk last, display active appreciation to employees and be courageous by showing their vulnerability according to Stanford instructor, executive coach and keynote speaker Dr Laura Delizonna. It is all part of fostering a climate of psychological safety, where team members feel safe to take risks and be vulnerable in the workplace. Delizonna […]
Navigating the tech storm – Nicklas Bergman
For founder, funder and futurist Nicklas Bergman, turning down the opportunity to invest in both skype and Spotify at an early stage was both “painful and a good learning experience”. Speaking at the itag AtlanTec Festival, Bergman highlighted how he was asked to become an early investor in both Swedish start-ups, which went on to become […]